Educating human persons and fundraising are positive ways to tackle animal suffering: Amanda George (The Sanctuary Angels; UK)

“Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.”

Do you want to be a part of a non-violent or violent world?: Anny Drobet (EE)

“The mentality that non-human animals are for humans to use, eat, exploit and so on, is all over the world the same. And the reason for this is egoism and speciesism. The principle of being vegan is very simple to me — leave the animals alone. When you are not a vegan then you are pro-violence.”

Spreading respect, love and gratitude for cats through tattoos: Iris Lys (Iris Lys Tattoo; UK)

“Human brains need to be reset.. they have to stop believing we are still like cave women and men needing to feed on dead animals. Unfortunately I am not a very positive person on that matter.. People have to stop believing that being vegan is a bad thing and that we do that for provocation, how can you be ok to eat something that like you has a heart and a brain?”

Human Library event will take place on Sunday, November 20th in Maardu (EE).

  I will be there as a Vegan Feminist on loan to Readers. Registration is now open. Looking forward to respectful conversations! Facebook event:

We want to move away from the concept that animals need to be useful to humans: TASS (Tribe Animal Sanctuary Scotland; SCT)

“We can't save all the animals who need it, but we can let the ones that we have, be ambassadors for their species.”

One doesn’t have to compromise one’s beliefs for one’s beauty: Eeva (Rabbit Glow; FI)

“I would like to see more animal rights talk being part of general sustainability agenda.”

Doing what they love and selling vegan products that they actually care for: Eeva and Madis (RoheValik; EE)

“Our store is fair, well sourced and priced, and it’s a place where one can go and buy whatever one wants knowing that one is getting a fair deal! There is no tricking anyone.”

Showing that every non-human animal is an individual with a unique personality: Maria Tiqwah (NL)

“Let us be, first and above all, kind”

Shop ´til you drop but keep it cruelty free!: Helen Tintse (Veganshop; EE)

“I admire and respect everyone who has found possibilities to support veganism, environmental protection and equality. There are many different people, some in the forefront, some not. Some can write, some can blog, some creates recipes, some design, some takes photos, some consults, etc. They all help our world to become a better place. Similarly to every person who cares and who makes reasoned choices.”  

Wonderful eyes caressing agar jelly cakes are small doses of happiness

small doses of happiness - small doses of happiness - small doses of happiness

Talk “Why vegan feminism” — come and join!

Let's have a discussion about vegan feminism!

Talk “Why minimalism” — come and say “Hello”!

Welcome to say “Hello”, and ask questions about minimalism!

VegeXmas, a vegan Christmas market in Helsinki (FI)!

VegeXmas at Kultuuritehdas Korjaamo (Helsinki, Finland), 21 — 22 December, 2019.

Drum beat: welcome to join the Tallinn Vegan Fair 2019 – come and say “Hello”!

Welcome to say “Hello”, and ask questions about veganism!