Educating human persons and fundraising are positive ways to tackle animal suffering: Amanda George (The Sanctuary Angels; UK)

“Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.”

I didn’t really realise how important feminism was until I became a mother: Daphne Sivetidis (SE/GR)

“Currently, migrant solidarity movements and anti-fascist movements are important to me, as well as Black Lives Matter and other decolonial movements. Personally though, I like to get involved in grassroots neighbourhood based movements which build social connections and bring different people together to make small changes in their everyday lives.”

Come out of your head and into your heart to connect with your cat: Julie-Anne Thorne (Naturally Cats; UK)

“Sit in stillness. In the stillness you’ll be able to reconnect with yourself and receive the essence of your cat. Create stillness, understand what your relationship is like with stillness. Stillness holds a lot of answers and energetic shifts for us all.”

Spreading respect, love and gratitude for cats through tattoos: Iris Lys (Iris Lys Tattoo; UK)

“Human brains need to be reset.. they have to stop believing we are still like cave women and men needing to feed on dead animals. Unfortunately I am not a very positive person on that matter.. People have to stop believing that being vegan is a bad thing and that we do that for provocation, how can you be ok to eat something that like you has a heart and a brain?”

We want to move away from the concept that animals need to be useful to humans: TASS (Tribe Animal Sanctuary Scotland; SCT)

“We can't save all the animals who need it, but we can let the ones that we have, be ambassadors for their species.”

It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

Laura Laura, an UK-based writivist (writer + artist), has a website FemVegArt that is all about promoting feminism/gender equality and veganism/anti-speciesism. Her products are for people who want to raise awareness and proudly express their values in small things that can have great meaning. Her approach is intersectional, which means that she is aware of … Continue reading It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

Holistic Help for Cats and their Guardians: Julie-Anne Thorne (Naturally Cats; UK)

“They [cats — D the Vegan Feminist] are not here for our pleasure and enjoyment. You would respect a humans personal space and physical boundary if they shared it with you. In my opinion it is no different for cats.”

A ceramic artist trying to improve the world via mugs with a message: Laura Grainger (UK)

“All art is political. As it is influenced by people living under political systems.”

Dental care products by Georganics (UK) – natural, sustainable, conscientious, mostly vegan

I am ready for my oral hygiene routines – the supplies level is full!

Helping to achieve a zero waste lifestyle – Beauty Kubes by Eve of St. Agnes (UK)

My less waste journey is going strong!

Promoting vegan, feminist and environmental messages on film and also behind the camera: Melanie Light (UK)

“There is something which is like an addiction from working in the film industry, I love it as form of art and creativity. It is really hard, long hours and can fuck with your mental health but I feel like there is nothing else I could do with myself. I am working hard to get myself into a position where I can use my platform of film making to spread messages and awareness of positivity.”

Advocating for a better world for animals, one art piece at a time: Jane Lewis (UK)

"Non-human persons can teach us to respect and to live in harmony with the planet’s natural environment, and to take from nature only what we really need. Humanity is in the final stages of polluting and destroying the environment for ego and greed. We would do well to look to other animals as examples of how to live with instead of against nature."

There’s nothing better than a friend, unless it’s a friend with chocolate: Stephanie Seege (kAAKAO; UK/FI)

“I try to operate in line with my values: authenticity and well-being. Everything I do touch on either one of those. It's important to me to communicate clearly and effectively, to be brutally honest and transparent and to promote all things related to better health. I've spent my life healing and improving myself and hopefully I can help others on their path.”

Normalising veganism in Glasgow: Craig Tannock (UK)

“I think that I have mostly been mostly inspired by a growing awareness over the years of just how wonderful animals are. Their joy of life is truly inspiring, whilst their capacity to feel pain and sadness is heartbreakingheart-breaking. I have no choice but to do what I can to help. I cannot walk on oblivious to their plight.”