I like to question the current norms of visibility: Marjukka Irni (FI)

“My art is political. One can find political dimension in almost every piece of art. Also, one can look at art with a political mindset/gaze.”

We should stop speciesism and value all living beings equally: Valgerður Árnadóttir (Hvalavinir – Stop whaling in Iceland; IS)

“We need to ban whaling and pledge to protect and preserve whales and all ocean life. We should put efforts into cleaning the oceans, quit overfishing, reduce fossil fuel usage, ban toxic chemicals and reduce underwater noise pollution that disorient sea mammals and get them killed.”

Do you want to be a part of a non-violent or violent world?: Anny Drobet (EE)

“The mentality that non-human animals are for humans to use, eat, exploit and so on, is all over the world the same. And the reason for this is egoism and speciesism. The principle of being vegan is very simple to me — leave the animals alone. When you are not a vegan then you are pro-violence.”

Wearing a jewellery of nature is a statement pro nature, pro nature protection, and pro sustainable consumption: Satu-Lotta Peltola (sLotta; FI)

“Everybody can compost and recycle, consume wisely, avoid flying, avoid eating meat or fish from industrial fishing, or anything that has been produced in a harsh way, incl. intensive animal farming. Also, we have to teach children to love and cherish nature and animals. And we have to vote for politicians who are devoted to work against climate crisis NOW, not sometime in the future.”

Spreading respect, love and gratitude for cats through tattoos: Iris Lys (Iris Lys Tattoo; UK)

“Human brains need to be reset.. they have to stop believing we are still like cave women and men needing to feed on dead animals. Unfortunately I am not a very positive person on that matter.. People have to stop believing that being vegan is a bad thing and that we do that for provocation, how can you be ok to eat something that like you has a heart and a brain?”

Human Library event will take place on Sunday, November 20th in Maardu (EE).

  I will be there as a Vegan Feminist on loan to Readers. Registration is now open. Looking forward to respectful conversations! Facebook event: https://clubactive.eu/20-11-22-human-library-maardu/

It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

Laura Laura, an UK-based writivist (writer + artist), has a website FemVegArt that is all about promoting feminism/gender equality and veganism/anti-speciesism. Her products are for people who want to raise awareness and proudly express their values in small things that can have great meaning. Her approach is intersectional, which means that she is aware of … Continue reading It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

The shelter cats enjoyed their massage therapy session

Do get in contact, if your adopted cat and/or dog would need a massage therapy session.

One doesn’t have to compromise one’s beliefs for one’s beauty: Eeva (Rabbit Glow; FI)

“I would like to see more animal rights talk being part of general sustainability agenda.”

Drag Royalties: Off With Their Chest by Queer Planet (EE) – come and say “Hello”, and let’s dance!

Let’s dance and let’s become empowered!

Rap is also a feminist thing: Éloïse Bouton (FR)

“To me, feminism is the basic idea that everyone should be treated equally: women, men, trans, non-binary, racialized people, sex workers, the elderly, people with disabilities, … I see it as a part of a wider struggle against cisheteropatriarchy.”  

Four generations of experience in the footwear sector: Nicola Masolini (RE-BORN; IT)

RE-BORN is a family-run company.

A ceramic artist trying to improve the world via mugs with a message: Laura Grainger (UK)

“All art is political. As it is influenced by people living under political systems.”

Bridging art to the existential threat of atmospheric carbon overload: Allegra Searle-LeBel (US)

“Resisting consumerism, which is especially hard when we’re told that the way we can make anything better is by buying something.”