Human Library event will take place on Sunday, November 20th in Maardu (EE).

  I will be there as a Vegan Feminist on loan to Readers. Registration is now open. Looking forward to respectful conversations! Facebook event:

Showing that every non-human animal is an individual with a unique personality: Maria Tiqwah (NL)

“Let us be, first and above all, kind”

Helping others to see and appreciate the opportunities and options of a sustainable way of living: Anne and Gary Moore (Wagtail Design; FI)

“Personally we like crisis, it builds and brings out strengths that most don’t even know they have. There is a very appropriate saying that I have used as long as I can remember: “If you care enough, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse.” You, and you alone are responsible for you; find your way out of crisis.”

Promoting reducing, reusing and recycling: Annika Hentrich (BicicloLab; DE/IT)

“Every item we buy has a past and a future, and therefore an impact on people and nature. We should inform ourselves about its origin and have an awareness of what happens to this product when we get rid of it.” 

Discussion on minimalism, and so much more (in Estonian)

Discussion with Farištamo Eller who has a podcast Keskonnaraadio — Keskkonnahoid on äge! (Let’s have fun saving the planet).

Talk “Why vegan feminism” — come and join!

Let's have a discussion about vegan feminism!

VegeXmas, a vegan Christmas market in Helsinki (FI)!

VegeXmas at Kultuuritehdas Korjaamo (Helsinki, Finland), 21 — 22 December, 2019.

Encouraging us all to do the best we possibly can: Aleks (Natural Bröder; EE)

“Sort your trash, take your own bag to a grocery store, take your own cup to a coffee shop, don’t throw trash around and reuse things as much as you can. Those would be the basics. Also, many new sustainable brands are coming out, but with them many greenwashing brands are coming along too. You should research the brand to know if it really is what it claims to be. And the reason would be to keep the business going while not being too harmful to our planet. Not everything we as species do is bad, we just need to manage our processes better.”

Drum beat: welcome to join the Tallinn Vegan Fair 2019 – come and say “Hello”!

Welcome to say “Hello”, and ask questions about veganism!

Telliskivi Flea Market (EE), 31 August 2019 – come and say “Hello”, and let’s do some good!

I will be at the Telliskivi Flea Market (near to the Pudel Bar) from 11:00 to 16:00. You support the cats of Kelmiküla Kassijaam, a rescue shelter in Tallinn, when you buy from me.

Switching to an eco-friendly, zero waste safety razor by Bambaw (BE)

Bambaw believes that a more sustainable and ethically conscious world is not only possible, it’s down to us to create it.

Tallinn Vegfest 2019 (EE) – come and say “Hello”!

Drum beat: welcome to join Tallinn Vegfest 2019!

Using arts and crafts for improving position of oppressed animals: Marita Tanninen (Vegan Vortex; FI)

“Every person has a key to change the world. I believe spreading the knowledge about animal rights is one thing that can make a big influence, and I think we are heading to more cruelty-free world all the time. If and when we are aware of these things, we can also demand improvements to be written in our laws. For example, many countries have banned fur farming lately. We just have to fight against the system.”