Do you want to be a part of a non-violent or violent world?: Anny Drobet (EE)

“The mentality that non-human animals are for humans to use, eat, exploit and so on, is all over the world the same. And the reason for this is egoism and speciesism. The principle of being vegan is very simple to me — leave the animals alone. When you are not a vegan then you are pro-violence.”

Wearing a jewellery of nature is a statement pro nature, pro nature protection, and pro sustainable consumption: Satu-Lotta Peltola (sLotta; FI)

“Everybody can compost and recycle, consume wisely, avoid flying, avoid eating meat or fish from industrial fishing, or anything that has been produced in a harsh way, incl. intensive animal farming. Also, we have to teach children to love and cherish nature and animals. And we have to vote for politicians who are devoted to work against climate crisis NOW, not sometime in the future.”

Human Library event will take place on Sunday, November 20th in Maardu (EE).

  I will be there as a Vegan Feminist on loan to Readers. Registration is now open. Looking forward to respectful conversations! Facebook event:

I tested a shampoo bar Geranium & Bergamot by Signe Seebid (EE) — did I find a shampoo bar that actually works?! 

Given my long history of shampoo testing, I was waiting with excitement to receive my solid geranium and bergamot shampoo, which Signe Seebid sent to me to try.

One doesn’t have to compromise one’s beliefs for one’s beauty: Eeva (Rabbit Glow; FI)

“I would like to see more animal rights talk being part of general sustainability agenda.”

For INTOA design, waste is a treasure: Helena Hannula (INTOA design; FI)

"I don’t want to cause increase in the world’s waste load but rather reduce it with my choise of using recycled materials. For the brand, waste is a treasure!"

Four generations of experience in the footwear sector: Nicola Masolini (RE-BORN; IT)

RE-BORN is a family-run company.

Bridging art to the existential threat of atmospheric carbon overload: Allegra Searle-LeBel (US)

“Resisting consumerism, which is especially hard when we’re told that the way we can make anything better is by buying something.”  

Helping others to see and appreciate the opportunities and options of a sustainable way of living: Anne and Gary Moore (Wagtail Design; FI)

“Personally we like crisis, it builds and brings out strengths that most don’t even know they have. There is a very appropriate saying that I have used as long as I can remember: “If you care enough, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse.” You, and you alone are responsible for you; find your way out of crisis.”

Shop ´til you drop but keep it cruelty free!: Helen Tintse (Veganshop; EE)

“I admire and respect everyone who has found possibilities to support veganism, environmental protection and equality. There are many different people, some in the forefront, some not. Some can write, some can blog, some creates recipes, some design, some takes photos, some consults, etc. They all help our world to become a better place. Similarly to every person who cares and who makes reasoned choices.”  

Inspiring us to become better: HEEL Athens Lab (GR)

“The most important and powerful act, we believe, is our everyday choices. We try to live by our expectations every day trying to become better and we hope that this will inspire others to try it as well.”  

Reducing the amount of food loss and food waste is crucial

During the last two weeks I have filled an Excel file about my food waste.

Promoting reducing, reusing and recycling: Annika Hentrich (BicicloLab; DE/IT)

“Every item we buy has a past and a future, and therefore an impact on people and nature. We should inform ourselves about its origin and have an awareness of what happens to this product when we get rid of it.” 

Discussion on minimalism, and so much more (in Estonian)

Discussion with Farištamo Eller who has a podcast Keskonnaraadio — Keskkonnahoid on äge! (Let’s have fun saving the planet).

A reusable snack bag by Stasher (US) — tested and approved

Refuse Plastic Today (EE) have sent me a Stasher Reusable Snack bag to test — the bag completed the test successfully!