Do you want to be a part of a non-violent or violent world?: Anny Drobet (EE)

“The mentality that non-human animals are for humans to use, eat, exploit and so on, is all over the world the same. And the reason for this is egoism and speciesism. The principle of being vegan is very simple to me — leave the animals alone. When you are not a vegan then you are pro-violence.”

Human Library event will take place on Sunday, November 20th in Maardu (EE).

  I will be there as a Vegan Feminist on loan to Readers. Registration is now open. Looking forward to respectful conversations! Facebook event:

Holistic Help for Cats and their Guardians: Julie-Anne Thorne (Naturally Cats; UK)

“They [cats — D the Vegan Feminist] are not here for our pleasure and enjoyment. You would respect a humans personal space and physical boundary if they shared it with you. In my opinion it is no different for cats.”