I like to question the current norms of visibility: Marjukka Irni (FI)

“My art is political. One can find political dimension in almost every piece of art. Also, one can look at art with a political mindset/gaze.”

Come out of your head and into your heart to connect with your cat: Julie-Anne Thorne (Naturally Cats; UK)

“Sit in stillness. In the stillness you’ll be able to reconnect with yourself and receive the essence of your cat. Create stillness, understand what your relationship is like with stillness. Stillness holds a lot of answers and energetic shifts for us all.”

Do you want to be a part of a non-violent or violent world?: Anny Drobet (EE)

“The mentality that non-human animals are for humans to use, eat, exploit and so on, is all over the world the same. And the reason for this is egoism and speciesism. The principle of being vegan is very simple to me — leave the animals alone. When you are not a vegan then you are pro-violence.”

Spreading respect, love and gratitude for cats through tattoos: Iris Lys (Iris Lys Tattoo; UK)

“Human brains need to be reset.. they have to stop believing we are still like cave women and men needing to feed on dead animals. Unfortunately I am not a very positive person on that matter.. People have to stop believing that being vegan is a bad thing and that we do that for provocation, how can you be ok to eat something that like you has a heart and a brain?”

Holistic Help for Cats and their Guardians: Julie-Anne Thorne (Naturally Cats; UK)

“They [cats — D the Vegan Feminist] are not here for our pleasure and enjoyment. You would respect a humans personal space and physical boundary if they shared it with you. In my opinion it is no different for cats.”