I like to question the current norms of visibility: Marjukka Irni (FI)

“My art is political. One can find political dimension in almost every piece of art. Also, one can look at art with a political mindset/gaze.”

My music is ideas for soundtracks of non-existent movies: Efe Ce Ele aka Efe Cabrera López (CO/ES) 

“I don't like to define or condition myself to a genre or style, I love cinematic textures. I love to think of my music as soundtracks, even if it is ambient or rhythm based, for hearing or dance. So you can find in my discography a lot of experiments, some peaceful sounds, other hard and heavy beats, but more or less all my music are ideas of soundtracks for non-existent movies.”

I didn’t really realise how important feminism was until I became a mother: Daphne Sivetidis (SE/GR)

“Currently, migrant solidarity movements and anti-fascist movements are important to me, as well as Black Lives Matter and other decolonial movements. Personally though, I like to get involved in grassroots neighbourhood based movements which build social connections and bring different people together to make small changes in their everyday lives.”

Wearing a jewellery of nature is a statement pro nature, pro nature protection, and pro sustainable consumption: Satu-Lotta Peltola (sLotta; FI)

“Everybody can compost and recycle, consume wisely, avoid flying, avoid eating meat or fish from industrial fishing, or anything that has been produced in a harsh way, incl. intensive animal farming. Also, we have to teach children to love and cherish nature and animals. And we have to vote for politicians who are devoted to work against climate crisis NOW, not sometime in the future.”

Spreading respect, love and gratitude for cats through tattoos: Iris Lys (Iris Lys Tattoo; UK)

“Human brains need to be reset.. they have to stop believing we are still like cave women and men needing to feed on dead animals. Unfortunately I am not a very positive person on that matter.. People have to stop believing that being vegan is a bad thing and that we do that for provocation, how can you be ok to eat something that like you has a heart and a brain?”

It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

Laura Laura, an UK-based writivist (writer + artist), has a website FemVegArt that is all about promoting feminism/gender equality and veganism/anti-speciesism. Her products are for people who want to raise awareness and proudly express their values in small things that can have great meaning. Her approach is intersectional, which means that she is aware of … Continue reading It’s every adult’s responsibility to do their bit to make the world a better place for everyone: Laura (FemVegArt; UK)

Rap is also a feminist thing: Éloïse Bouton (FR)

“To me, feminism is the basic idea that everyone should be treated equally: women, men, trans, non-binary, racialized people, sex workers, the elderly, people with disabilities, … I see it as a part of a wider struggle against cisheteropatriarchy.”  

Four generations of experience in the footwear sector: Nicola Masolini (RE-BORN; IT)

RE-BORN is a family-run company.

Showing that every non-human animal is an individual with a unique personality: Maria Tiqwah (NL)

“Let us be, first and above all, kind”

Helping others to see and appreciate the opportunities and options of a sustainable way of living: Anne and Gary Moore (Wagtail Design; FI)

“Personally we like crisis, it builds and brings out strengths that most don’t even know they have. There is a very appropriate saying that I have used as long as I can remember: “If you care enough, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse.” You, and you alone are responsible for you; find your way out of crisis.”

Inspiring us to become better: HEEL Athens Lab (GR)

“The most important and powerful act, we believe, is our everyday choices. We try to live by our expectations every day trying to become better and we hope that this will inspire others to try it as well.”  

Promoting reducing, reusing and recycling: Annika Hentrich (BicicloLab; DE/IT)

“Every item we buy has a past and a future, and therefore an impact on people and nature. We should inform ourselves about its origin and have an awareness of what happens to this product when we get rid of it.” 

Wonderful eyes caressing agar jelly cakes are small doses of happiness

small doses of happiness - small doses of happiness - small doses of happiness

VegeXmas, a vegan Christmas market in Helsinki (FI)!

VegeXmas at Kultuuritehdas Korjaamo (Helsinki, Finland), 21 — 22 December, 2019.

Today I am taking over the official Instagram account of Estonian Vegan Society.

First there was a DIY cookie “save the day” recipe (in Estonian and English). Now something else: a short contemplation about the problematics of an upcoming exhibition that focuses on contemporary fashion from Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.